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Sunday Worship

​​We have a family service every Sunday morning at 11am.


We have an evening worship service at 6:30pm on the last Sunday of the month.


We have a fellowship meeting in the evening at 6:30pm on the first Sunday of the month.

Our Family service usually begins with a short time of praise and worship, during which we sing and pray.


After this our little ones can go to Sunday school.


For our grown-ups, we then have a further time of praise and worship and then a message from God's Word. 

Our Family service also includes an opportunity to take Communion on the third Sunday of each month. 


After our Family service we usually have tea and coffee and a few delicious treats - everyone is welcome to stay for  fellowship!

In the evening, our Worship service usually begins with a short time of praise, followed by a message from God's Word


Everyone is welcome to join us and hear of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We would love for you to come along! Please note that we also have parking available on site. 

Sunday Worship
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